A.P. System Srl is a company established in 1986 specialized in developing specific solutions for installation and maintenance of lifts, goods lifts, escalators, and elevator systems companies. The company has built up a stable portfolio of over 200 customers covering more than 240.000 lifting installations in Italy. A.P. System is located in Bari, Italy.Show more
Arter was founded in the 1990s initially as a consultancy company focusing on assessments and consulting related to different quality management systems. From its expertise in consulting, and supported by demand from its customers, it has evolved into a leading quality management and enterprise architecture software solution provider for the Finnish market. Arter also continues to deliver professional and training services to provide its customers with a complete offering. Arter is located in Helsinki, Finland. Show more
For over 30 years, Félix Informatique has been designing business software for commerce and industry serving around 3,000 clients.
Felix offers different types of software for manufacturing :
- Deca is dedicated to the metrology. It manages groups of measuring instruments, calibration, traceability, and the technical and administrative management of instruments.
- Lug is for manufacturing control, statistics, and reporting management tool (S.P.C.). It provides inspectors and quality managers with a tool to assist in decision making. Lug is ready for communicating with ERP systems improving consistency in enterprise operations and lower costs.
- Logiform is a formula management and weighing traceability software solution that is directly interfaced with scales. It assists in the operator different stages of your production: managing formulas, for weighing, tracing raw material batches and stocks.
Logiform is compatible with all types of ERP interfaces for greater efficiency.
Félix has a software portfolio with solutions that are vertical specific for other different markets. The portfolio includes a software solution designed to meet the needs of the retail furniture market, a POS or cash collection solution for retailers, and a Property Management Software (PMS) hospitality branch.Show more
Remote Terminal System Srl was founded in 1981 by Gastone Partisani and Mauro Mercadante and supplies ERP software for the corrugated industry. The company, with offices in Forlì (Italy) and Barcelona (Spain), serves about 140 customers in the world, in particular in Europe and South America. Show more
Spyro consists of a multidisciplinary team of 65 people and a portfolio of more than 250 customers. The company has spent the last 35 years committed to quality solutions, backed by its customers’ trust. Spyro is headquartered in San Sebastian and has a second branch in Zamudio, Spain. Show more
System Service was founded in 1991, and over the years, it has found its niche in the electronic components distribution market. Their software products Delphi, DW3, and the software add-ons, are management solutions focusing on operational needs and JIT stock handling. System Service is located in Bologna, Italy.Show more
Since 1993, Tribofilm has become a specialist in maintenance management software. Their continuous investment in research and development means that they meet their customers’ needs by providing high-end solutions. Innovation and simplicity are keywords at Tribofilm. At present, Tribofilm has more than 300 customers at 1,000 locations and over 15,000 users. Their clients vary from large international groups to local authorities. Its solutions have been implemented in around twenty countries and translated into eight languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Turkish and Russian). Tribofilm is located in Périgny, La Rochelle, France. Show more
Total Specific Solutions (“TSS”) has acquired its first lighting-specific productivity software company for the designer and manufacturing market. It is the ninth company to join [...]